I. 基本准则/解决方案基础

成员决议是一项正式提案,要求航协就某一重要议题采取立场和/或行动. 成员决议可以描述一个问题或情况,并包含帮助纠正它的行动. 这是一项“实质性决议”.决议也可以是旨在纪念某人的声明或宣言, 团体或实体或纪念重要人物, 实体, 或事件. 这是一种“非实质性决议”,也被称为礼貌或祝贺决议.


II. 决议的结构

一项成员决议由两部分组成:序言(对情况的描述), 人物或事件, also called the “Whereas clause”) and the action or statement clause (how ATA should address the issue or what action should be taken, 也称为“已解决条款”). 整个决议应该是一个长, 连续句,先有序言子句,后有分解子句.

而美国恐龙协会代表着美国所有的恐龙, 决定《永利登录网址》应促进承认海龟是恐龙.”

而美国恐龙协会代表着美国所有的恐龙, 特此决议,美国残疾人协会特此宣布9月5日为国际恐龙日.”


3. 谁可以提交决议?

Any member may submit a non-substantive member resolution to the Governance and Communications Committee (GCC) to be presented for a vote at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. Only Active or Corresponding (Voting) members may submit substantive resolutions to the GCC to be presented at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. 海合会或董事会可自行提出决议. All resolutions that meet the criteria for a resolution in Section IV will be reviewed by the GCC and the ATA President and then submitted to the 董事会 for final review.


IV. 决议的标准和准则


a. The resolution must be related to the purpose of ATA as stated in the Bylaws and be consistent with ATA’s status as a tax-exempt organization.

b. 决议不得侵犯董事会的权利和义务.

c. Resolutions are subject to legal review and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations and otherwise be consistent with ATA’s 规章制度, 政策和程序. 涉及国际航空运输协会章程变更的决议受国际航空运输协会章程第XV(a)条管辖

d. 决议可能涉及政府问题,如立法、法规、政策等. 翻译专业的与翻译专业有关或影响翻译专业的. 为了保持ATA的无党派传统(和免税地位), 决议可能不会针对个别政客, 政府任命的人或雇员, 特定的政党或政纲, 冲突或议程. 作为例外, non-substantive resolutions addressing individual elected officials who have made important contributions to supporting ATA’s mission may be submitted and include the customary identification of the official’s party affiliation, e.g.参议员玛丽·翻译 (D-CA).

e. 决议应该只针对一个主题或问题.

f. 决议应该是完整的, 以便在通过时,它成为协会意志的明确和正式表达.

g. 如果解决方案要求采取特定的行动或计划, 决议必须清楚地说明一个切实可行的、期望的或建议的时间表. 这种行动或方案的实施将以是否有工作人员为指导, 志愿者, 财政资源.

h. 如果决议对协会有财务或责任方面的影响, 费用估计应包括在内.

i. Each resolution must be submitted by a qualified member of the Association as specified above and must indicate the initiating individual or 实体.

j. 每个决议必须包括一个标题, 鉴于条款, 以及决议本身的决议条款. 实际的解决方案应该写成一个独立的文档, 最好不要超过一页纸. 额外的信息, 比如作者/赞助商, 参考资料, 现有的政策, 时间框架和财务影响应在决议提交表格上提供. 有关详细信息,请参阅下面的“如何提交解决方案”.


V. 如何提交决议


Submit member resolutions to the GCC along with the completed Member Resolution Submission Form and any supporting documentation. 在一般情况下, resolutions should be submitted as early as possible to allow for review by the GCC and publication to the membership. 将被列入有表决权会员年会的议程, 实质性决议必须由海湾合作委员会收到 不迟于 在有表决权的会员年会召开前120天.

非实质性决议(非实质性决议)必须向海合会提交不少于 120天 在有投票权的会员年会之前. 在表决委员年会期间,不得在场内提交任何决议.


  1. 附修订选项的提交-在投票成员年会前180天提交, 直到截止日期2才需要投票成员的签名.
  2. 提交无修订-在投票成员年会前120天, 需要投票成员的签名.

截止日期1之前提交的成员决议将由GCC审核格式, 内容, 上述指引所指明的相关性及范围,在30天内提交, 允许成员收集签名以提交正式文件. 如果决议不符合这些准则, it will be returned to the person who submitted it with a request that the resolution be redrafted to comply and with suggestions to assist with the redrafting. 任何重新起草必须在截止日期2之前提交,并附上必要的签名.

Member Resolutions submitted by Deadline 2 with the appropriate signatures will also be reviewed by the GCC as to format, 内容, 在截止日期2之前提交上述指导方针所指明的相关性和范围. 如果决议不符合这些准则, it will be returned to the person who submitted it and will not be admitted to consideration for the current Annual Meeting of Voting Members. 可重新起草并重新提交,以供下一年的投票会员年会上审议.

如果不符合决议, the GCC will prepare a brief statement indicating how the final version of the proposed member resolution does not meet the guidelines and provide it to the mover of the resolution. 在符合决议的情况下, the GCC will forward the resolution to the ATA President for and the Executive Director for review as discussed in Section VI.


VI. 审查海湾合作委员会和董事会的决议

The GCC shall be responsible for reviewing member resolutions submitted by ATA members to ensure that the resolution complies with these guidelines. Resolutions that comply with the guidelines will be forwarded to the ATA President and Executive Director for possible legal review and review by the 董事会. 未被接受的决议将按照上述第三节所述程序予以退回.

All substantive resolutions that comply with the criteria and guidelines and are forwarded by the GCC will be reviewed by ATA’s President and Executive Director. They may also be subject to review by legal counsel to ensure that they comply with all applicable laws and are otherwise consistent with ATA’s 规章制度 and mission. If legal counsel determines that changes in wording are necessary to comply with all applicable laws and to be consistent with ATA’s 规章制度 and mission, 海合会将询问决议的动议国是否愿意作出必要的修改. 如果决议的发起人拒绝修改, 提议的决议将不会在有投票权的会员年会上进行表决.

海合会提交并通过法律审查的所有实质性决议均应由董事会审查. The 董事会 retains the right to determine the timing of the presentation of such resolutions to the membership. This is particularly the case if the 董事会 believes that the subject of the resolution is of such a serious nature or is such a significant departure from 现有的政策 or procedures that the subject therefore requires substantial discussion and debate among the membership. 在这种情况下, the Board may postpone submission of the resolution to the next subsequent Annual Meeting of Voting Members to allow sufficient time for such debate.

Member Resolutions reviewed by the 董事会 will be announced by the President in electronic form and/or printed publication. The announcement will include the text of or a link to the resolution and any materials submitted in support or opposition. 由其自行决定, 董事会在提交决议时可提出支持或反对决议的建议.


7. 在有表决权的会员年会上审议会员决议

All Board-approved member resolutions will be included on the ballot for voting at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. 决议不得在场内修改. Resolutions require approval by a simple majority of those voting in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members at which a quorum is present. 例外情况是实质性成员决议涉及章程修正案, 应适用第十五条(a)款,需三分之二多数通过.

在表决成员年会上提交实质性成员决议后, the chair of the meeting will determine the amount of time allotted for members present to discuss the resolution before proceeding to a vote.

Substantive resolutions that are adopted will be reflected in ATA policy or the ATA 规章制度 as indicated in the wording of the adopted resolutions. 通过的非实质性决议将通过ATA的出版渠道公布.
